Devourer - Raptus
Raptus is the fourth full-length album by Devourer. In 2022 Devourer celebrates its 20th year of existence, always creating its own blend of the extreme metal genres that isn't easily placed under any genre label.
With members ex members of : Sorcery, Krypteia, Elit, Panzerschreck, In Aeternum, Radioskugga, Patronymicon, Sordid Flesh, Krypteia, Malicioum, Panzerschreck, Teodolit,
released February 7, 2022
It was written and produced by Devourer,
mixed and mastered by John Falk,
cover art was made by Vald.
John Falk - Guitars, Bass, Vocals
Fredrik Håf - Vocals
Oksana Rage - Bass
Johan Wickholm - Guitars